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Radio (part 3)


Do you remember how I started a comic about the radio last year? One of my new year’s resolutions is to finish the things I start! Here is part 1 and here is part 2. You may recall that at the end of part 2, I found myself at a Straitjacket Fits, The Clean and Chris Knox gig.


I was once told that you should never include specific music references in your writing because it alienates the reader. But because this is the internet I can show what I’m talking about! Here’s a link to a Straitjacket Fits song with Shayne and Andrew, and here’s a link to the Jean Paul Satre Experience song I was listening to at night. For good measure, here’s the Smiths song and the Dead Kennedys one.

My other new year’s resolution is to finish my Katherine Mansfield book and to get my Let Me Be Frank issue 5 ready before I go down to the writer’s festival in Wellington and hopefully meet Alison Bechdel. I’m definitely lining up at the signing table. I’m sure people try and foist comics on her everywhere she goes and her first question is where is the paper recycle bin… sigh… Oh, and my final resolution is to get a job and earn some money! If only people could keep on paying me to draw comics. Do you guys have any resolutions? What about any things you’d like to see more of from me?

Talking about the radio, here I am talking about creativity with Noelle McCarthy on Radio NZ.


4 Comments leave one →
  1. 07/01/2014 1:55 pm

    I loved your interview with Noelle. I don’t have any resolutions. But I do have a plan to get a job and make some money. And I have a very lovely and exciting I idea for a project/book that I want to do/explore/write. But I suspect the ‘getting a job and making money’ plan might interfere with the ‘doing exciting thing and writing about it’ plan.

    • Sarah Laing permalink*
      07/01/2014 2:00 pm

      Yes, I too am having that problem! Work vs work. I can’t wait to find out what your new exciting book idea is. I too have a couple of book ideas bubbling away… if only I could figure out how to get a nice advance on them!

  2. Helen Beech permalink
    07/01/2014 2:04 pm

    Thanks so much for posting the link to RNZ. I missed it by a whisker and knew I needed to go and find a link or something. Because i really wanted to listen.

  3. Carol Brown permalink
    07/01/2014 7:39 pm

    I love your domestic tales, Sarah. Please do some more.

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